A while back I had the pleasure of meeting, a cyberspace
coupling if you will, a young lady named Tina Hall. Let me begin by telling you
how utterly impressed I was with Tina, right from the get go she had my
attention. Tina struck me as a very serious, dedicated, passionate and professional
young woman. So, the task before me is to introduce you to Tina and her passion
- TheOriginalVanGoghsEarAnthology.
Tina Hall runs The Original Van
Gogh's Ear Anthology (http://theoriginalvangoghsearanthology.com/and she does
occasional interviews for MaximumInk.com, Guitar Digest(guitardigest.com) and
for Haunted Digital Magazine(http://www.haunteddigitalmagazine.com/).
The “TheOriginalVanGoghsEarAnthology”
is an impressive, professional and extremely creative endeavor.
Click on the
links below to visit TheOriginalVanGoghsEarAnthology.
Sincerely, Quinn
This is a very interesting place, Quinn. The art is superb, and the rest is top notch!